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Asosyasyon Edikasyon Polk

Evalyasyon yo

 Eta Florid genpwosedi yo pou evalye pèfòmans tout pèsonèl ansèyman yo pou ogmante pèfòmans akademik elèv yo nan amelyore kalite sèvis yo nan lekòl leta Florid yo.


Kontra Pwofesè

In the table of contents of each TA, the sections with proposed changes are highlighted. Click on the article name, and the bookmark will take you directly to that section in the contract. There are executive summaries for each section where there is a proposed change. Any language with a strike-through is a proposed removal, and any language with an underline is a proposed addition.


Fall 2023 Highlights

  • NO increase to health insurance premiums/co-pays/deductibles!

  • Co-pays decrease to $35 from $50 if the doctor is considered high quality by EMBOLD

  • Educational Leave with District paying employee health insurance contributions IF completing an approved Internship in PCPS



Please be sure to read the email with Election Buddy directions!


PEA has contracted with Election Buddy to run our electronic ratification vote. Election Buddy will be the administrator for this vote to ensure electronic security through a third-party vendor.


Timeline for Ratification:

*All ratification communication and official electronic ballots will be sent to District work emails.*

  • October 12- Email to Bargaining Units to advertise the proposed contract changes for review

  • October 17- Electronic Voting Starts

  • October 20 at 5 pm- Electronic Voting Closes

  • October 23- Official Ratification Results Announced through District Email

  • October 24- School Board Votes to Ratify

  • November 30- Tentative Date for Raises and Retro Pay

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