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Asosyasyon Edikasyon Polk

We are proud to pair with other organizations and associations at the local, state, and national levels.  Find out about the details and events happening with our affiliates.

Evalyasyon yo

View information on union nominations and elections, including forms and dates.

Voting in Election

Resous Evalyasyon Konte Polk

Nominations for PEA Executive Officers (President, Executive Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, VP of Teachers, VP of Paras, and VP of ESPs), the NEA Representative Assembly in July, and the FEA Delegate Assembly in October, and the upcoming CLC term are officially open as of the Feb. 6th PEA Board of Director's Meeting!  All nominations are due by 5:30 pm at the next Board of Director's Meeting on Thursday, March 6th, 2025.  See information on each position below:

Resous Evalyasyon Konte Polk

Our National and State Delegate/Representative Assemblies are fast approaching and nominations open today!  All members are welcome to run for one of the open delegate seats.  Click on the images below to access the delegate nomination form for each assembly.  All completed and signed nomination forms are due to the PEA office no later than March 6th, 2025 at 5:30 pm.  You can pick up printed forms from our office or use the links below to print forms, sign, and return via email to or in person/by mail to the PEA Office located at 730 E Davidson St., Bartow, FL  33830.  Please note, all forms MUST be received by Thursday, March 6th, 2025 by 5:30 pm.  

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Delegate Responsibilities:

  • Attend ALL sessions of assembly (including new delegate training)

  • Check in with Secertary/Treasurer at the start of each session

  • Secure transportation to and from assembly, paid by delegate at time of reservation***

  • Secure lodging for duration of the assembly, paid by delegate at time of reservation***

  • Arrive in Portland on July 1st, 2025 and depart no earlier than July 7th, 2025

  • Attend all local and state caucus meetings before, during, and after assembly

  • Pay for any and all personal meals during travel and assembly***

  • Complete, in a timely manner, any and all information requests, registrations, surveys, etc. sent by PEA, FEA, and NEA

  • ***There will be two (2) state and six (6) local stipends of $700 available to delegates, decided by lottery at the close of the March 6th board meeting.

Delegate Responsibilities:

  • Attend ALL sessions of assembly (including new delegate training)

  • Check in with Secertary/Treasurer at the start of each session

  • Secure transportation to and from assembly, paid by delegate at time of reservation**

  • Secure lodging for duration of the assembly, paid by delegate at time of reservation**

  • Arrive to the Rosen Centre no later than gavel down (est. 5 pm) on October 11th and depart no later than close of assembly (est. 5 pm on Oct. 12th)

  • Attend all local and state caucus meetings before, during, and after assembly

  • Pay for any and all personal meals during travel and assembly**

  • Complete, in a timely manner, any and all information requests, registrations, surveys, etc. sent by PEA and FEA

  • **PEA will provide stipends for all delegates that include half (1/2) the cost of the hotel room for one night (cost TBD), plus the self-parking fee for one night (cost TBD), plus $40 flat rate for food/mileage, to be distributed on the floor at the close of session on Oct. 11th.

Delegate Responsibilities:

  • Attend ALL meetings of the CLC (both the 4 in-person meetings in Tampa PLUS the 7 meetings via Zoom) for the duration of your 3-year term

  • Dutifully and faithfully represent PEA membership in all CLC business

Resous Evalyasyon Konte Polk

Your current PEA Executive Officer terms will be completed on June 30th, 2025.  The next terms for officers will run from July 1st, 2025 - June, 30th, 2028 and nominations for these seats are now open! The following seats are up for election/re-election:
PEA President
PEA Executive Vice President
PEA Secretary/Treasurer
PEA Vice President of Teachers
PEA Vice President of ESPs
PEA Vice President of Paraeducators

Currently, the PEA Bylaws and Policies (most recently ratified by the PEA Board of Directors on January 9th, 2025) allow for the following stipends (if the annual budget allows):
PEA Executive Vice President or PEA Secretary Treasurer (not duty-released per CBA): $2000 annually
PEA VP of Teachers, ESPs, or Paraeducators (not duty-released): $1000 annually

The duties and responsibilities of these executive officers include, but are not limited, to the following:

  • Strategic planning and execution of membership objectives and organizational changes

  • A deep and thorough understanding of all three CBAs

  • Attendance at all PEA Officer planning and strategy meetings

  • ​Attendance at all Executive Board and Board of Directors Meetings

  • Attendance at the annual PEA Back-to-School Bash

  • Attendance at PEA Membership Events

  • Attendance at District Events, as Needed

  • Attendance at all regional, state, and national delegate assemblies

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