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Asociación de Educación de Polk

Asociación de Educación de Polk

Su sindicato local que representa a maestros, paraeducadores y ESP/secretarios que trabajan en el distrito escolar de Polk.  Negociamos sus contratos y garantizamos sus derechos contractuales.

PEA Teachers
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“I received a letter of discipline based on an unfounded anonymous complaint. My union went to bat for me to get it removed."


“My administrator was not providing me coverage for lunch breaks and my time was repeatedly cut short. PEA got involved, fixed the issue, and got me back pay for the time I worked through."


“Thank you PEA for offering valuable professional development!  With the help of their review course, I was able to pass my Reading K-12 Exam and earn my endorsement.”

Former PEA President Marianne Capoziello honored with mural and Board Room Dedication!

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Former PEA and PEA-Retired President Rhea McKinney honored with mural and Conference Room Dedication!

1000010834 Sarah-Rhea Maryanne, Stephani

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A Young man wearing headphones

Social Media

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Organizing the Calendar

Join us at an upcoming event!  Check our calendar for latest meet-ups, rallies, meetings, professional development, and other educational events.  

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Photo: Officers and Staff
  • Presidente: Stephanie Yocum

  • Vicepresidente: Jim Palmer

  • Secretaria/Tesorera: Kat Nickell

  • Director Unidad de Servicio: Wilfredo Tellado

  • Director de la Unidad de Servicio: Kevin Moran

  • Secretaria de Membresía: Lisa Francoeur

  • Oficinista/Recepcionista: Nieves Ramos


730 este de la calle Davidson

Bartow, FL 33830

©2022 Asociación de Educación de Polk






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